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PS3 Trophy Unlocker


What if all that you ever knew was a Lie
October 21, 2020
Hey everyone,
in the following tutorial you will learn how trophies can be unlocked on the PS3. Its a German and a English Version.

What you need:
- a PS3 with HEN and MultiMAN
- a USB stick with 4-8GB (FAT32)
PS3TrophyisGood (https://mega.nz/file/F8x0zCRQ#b5sbBdskQQ2LjnIdGAKbcUOeketkcPGZ1_rRs5HZXuU)

1. First start the game from which you want to edit the trophies.
(If you want to edit original games from the PSN Store or from disc, of course you have to
Do not activate HEN)
Wait until you are in the main menu of the game and exit it again. Go to your trophies
(Preferably offline without PSN registration) and see if the game is at the top.
It should be 0% there (even for games that you may have played in the past and only
Want to quit. But I'll come back to that later)
2. Now activate HEN and start MultiMAN (desktop) and open PS3 Root
3. Navigate to the folder / dev_hdd0 / home / (user number) / trophy
(If you have several users, check which one is the right one. You can only synch the folder with the profile you copied it from. You can also resign it with Broteforce Savedata, but I won't go into it any further here.) Q
4. It is best to sort the display by date if you have more than 1 game installed.
Now selects folder for example. NPWR00001_00 (the current date should be on the back) and copies it to the USB stick.
5. Now open PS3TrophyisGood on the PC and drag and drop the folder into the program.
6. You should now see a list of all the trophies in the game.
7. With a double click on the individual trophies you can enter the date and time.
(Pay attention to the time intervals in order not to be flagged on leaderboards) the platinum must be unlocked as the last trophy. For example, if you Games at 50% you can simply set the trophies you already have to the current date. PSN does not sync the trophies if the time on the PSN is more recent than the time on the servers.
8. Once you have entered all the times, you save everything using the File and Save options. You can close the program and connect the USB stick to the PS3 again.
9. Now go to PS3 Root again in MultiMAN (desktop)
10. Copy the folder (e.g. NPWR00001_00) back to / dev_hdd0 / home / (user number) / trophy and overwrite all existing files.
11. Quit MultiMAN and start the game again until you are in the main menu. Now you can press the PSN button and under Trophies should be 100%.
12. When you have achieved that you can turn off the PS3 completely.
13.Starts it again (does NOT activate HEN)
14. Log in to PSN and sync your trophies. If there is an error message the first time, just synch again.
15. Congratulations on being platinum :)

Was ihr braucht:
- eine PS3 mit HEN und MultiMAN
- ein USB Stick mit 4-8GB (FAT32)
- PS3TrophyisGood (https://mega.nz/file/F8x0zCRQ#b5sbBdskQQ2LjnIdGAKbcUOeketkcPGZ1_rRs5HZXuU)

1. Startet als erstes das Spiel von dem ihr die Trophäen bearbeiten wollt.
(Falls ihr Original Spiele aus dem PSN Store oder von Disc bearbeiten wollt müsst ihr natürlich
Kein HEN aktivieren)
Wartet bis ihr im Hauptmenü des Spiels seit und beendet es wieder. Geht zu euren Trophäen
(Am besten ohne PSN Anmeldung also Offline) und schaut ob das Spiel an oberer Stelle steht.
Es sollte 0% dort stehen (auch bei spielen die ihr evtl. in der Vergangenheit gespielt habt und nur
Beenden wollt. Aber da komme ich später drauf zurück)
2. Aktiviert jetzt HEN und startet MultiMAN (Desktop) und öffnet PS3 Root
3. Navigiert zum Ordner /dev_hdd0 / home / (user number) / trophy
(Falls ihr mehrere Benutzer habt schaut welcher der richtige ist. Ihr könnt die Ordner nur mit dem Profil Synchen aus dem ihr ihn kopiert habt. Ihr könnt es auch mit Broteforce Savedata resignen aber ich werde hier nicht weiter darauf eingehen.) Q
4. Sortiert euch die Anzeige am besten nach Datum wenn ihr mehr als 1 Spiel installiert habt.
Wählt jetzt denn Ordner zB. NPWR00001_00 (sollte das aktuelle Datum hinten dran stehen) und kopiert ihn auf den USB Stick.
5. Öffnet jetzt PS3TrophyisGood auf den PC und schiebt den Ordner per Drag & Drop in das Programm.
6. Ihr solltet jetzt eine Liste mit sämtlichen Trophäen des Spiels sehen.
7. Mit einem Doppelklick auf die einzelnen Trophäen könnt ihr Datum und Zeit eintragen.
(Achtet auf die Zeitabstände um nicht auf Leaderboards geflagt zu werden) die platin muss als letzte Trophäe freigeschaltet werden. Wenn ihr zB. Spiele auf 50% habt könnt ihr die Trophäen die ihr schon habt einfach auf das aktuelle Datum setzten. PSN synchronisiert die Trophäen nicht wenn Die Zeit auf der PSN aktueller ist als die auf den Servern.
8. Habt ihr alle Zeiten eingetragen speichert ihr alles über den Punkt File und Save ab. Ihr könnt das Programm schließen und denn USB Stick wieder an die PS3 anschließen.
9. Geht jetzt wieder im MultiMAN (Desktop) zu PS3 Root
10. Kopiert den Ordner (zB. NPWR00001_00) wieder zurück nach /dev_hdd0 / home / (user number) / trophy und überschreibt alle bestehenden Dateien.
11. Beendet MultiMAN und startet erneut das Spiel bis ihr im Hauptmenü seit. Jetzt könnt ihr die PSN Taste drücken und unter Trophäen sollte 100% stehen.
12. Wenn ihr das erreicht habt könnt ihr die PS3 komplett ausschalten.
13. Startet sie erneut (aktiviert KEIN HEN)
14. Meldet euch im PSN an und synchronisiert eure Trophäen. Falls es beim ersten mal eine Fehlermeldung gibt einfach nochmal Synchen.
15. Glückwunsch zur Platin :)

Regards 7h1nk
Hey, sorry for a bit of a necro here, but I wondering how safe is this overall for my account, i.e. probability of getting banned? I missed the 7th gen completely and looking to buy a ps3 in the near future.
Any Experts that can reveal and tell me how do you edit existing trophies from your account?
PS3TrophyIsGood is a right pain as you load it up and it basically has them all greyed out acting
like you have not gotten any trophies on your list.

So long story short say i have every trophy
on the games list except 2 trophies and i wanna edit and change only those 2 missing trophies
and keep my current timestamps for the rest how do i do it cheers.
Any Experts that can reveal and tell me how do you edit existing trophies from your account?
PS3TrophyIsGood is a right pain as you load it up and it basically has them all greyed out acting
like you have not gotten any trophies on your list.

So long story short say i have every trophy
on the games list except 2 trophies and i wanna edit and change only those 2 missing trophies
and keep my current timestamps for the rest how do i do it cheers.

when you will change the time you only can use a time older then the time you got the Trophy. For Example you get the trophy on 1.1.2020, then you have to use a time and date older then this. You can use all dates and time there a older then 31.12.2019.

To your Problem. The Best and fastest way is to delete your account. Create a new without PSN and get the trophy folder from this account. Add Time and Date for the trophys you want (older then date what you have now). Then take a look if you have the trophys in your trophy list (offine). After this connect with your psn and sync :)

The other way is to delete trophy folder and rebuild database that you have no trophys on your list and then do same way like you have create a new account.
when you will change the time you only can use a time older then the time you got the Trophy. For Example you get the trophy on 1.1.2020, then you have to use a time and date older then this. You can use all dates and time there a older then 31.12.2019.

To your Problem. The Best and fastest way is to delete your account. Create a new without PSN and get the trophy folder from this account. Add Time and Date for the trophys you want (older then date what you have now). Then take a look if you have the trophys in your trophy list (offine). After this connect with your psn and sync :)

The other way is to delete trophy folder and rebuild database that you have no trophys on your list and then do same way like you have create a new account.

Hmmm well that's not ideal about making a new account. Can you not just input the times you gotten on legit PS3 into PS3TrophyIsGood so its exactly the same and then just add the missing 2 as current upto date time and then sync? Or will that not work? Gotta be a way as ppl 100% do individual trophy unlocks or a game that's missing 1 trophy and the plat etc and they do not mess up the users current already earned legit trophies.
Gotta be a way as ppl 100% do individual trophy unlocks or a game that's missing 1 trophy and the plat etc and they do not mess up the users current already earned legit trophies.

If you want to finish trophys of games you only need to make the trophies in Trophyisgood that you don't have yet. If you use the trophy folder of games that are already synced to PSN, they are already marked with the time and date in Trophyisgood. then you just do what is still missing and that's it.With over 200 games it is just awkward to find the trophy folder because it does not have the current time and date.
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Hmmm well that's not ideal about making a new account. Can you not just input the times you gotten on legit PS3 into PS3TrophyIsGood so its exactly the same and then just add the missing 2 as current upto date time and then sync? Or will that not work?

About this Question: I tried several times to sync games that had 0% in the trophy list on PS3 and e.g. 60% on PSN. If I took the same time and date as in the PSN, I could no longer sync because I received error messages. In that case you would have to take the time and date that are after the real trophy time. Only trophies older than the date on the PSN server will be synced. The quickest way so if only 1-2 trophies are missing is in Trophyisgood all with one activation (take the time span that is after the times of the PSN trophies). Then you change the 2 trophies you want to change or add new ones and that's it. :)
I still cannot get PS3TrophyIsGood working and the same with the Apollo save tool which is based on PS3TrophyIsGood what the hell do i have too do to get this shit working. Editing individual timestamps seems a problem but plenty ppl doing trophy services and have this working so what am i missing im getting frustrated with it now.
I still cannot get PS3TrophyIsGood working and the same with the Apollo save tool which is based on PS3TrophyIsGood what the hell do i have too do to get this shit working. Editing individual timestamps seems a problem but plenty ppl doing trophy services and have this working so what am i missing im getting frustrated with it now.

if you follow the instructions there should be no problems.
if you follow the instructions there should be no problems.

I know how it's done it's just that it hardly every works for me. If i drag my own trophy folder from the PS3 using Multiman so i can access my folders then drag that folder into PS3TrophyIsGood it obviously shows what trophies are synched as they are RED and cannot be edited. Grey means they are not earned and those can be edited and i input time and date click confirm then hit file and save and then drag that folder into multiman from the same place so it overwrites the existing folder that is on PS3.

I then close Multiman and turn off PS3 and then access safe mode and rebuild database and the trophies always show just fine locally offline but soon as i sync them the sync process does what it needs too do and it's like i did not edit anything so can you tell me how i have went wrong then? This is an easy process and should be simple without these issues yet i keep finding myself getting more and more frustrated over a simple and easy process.

As for Appolo that is even easier and again i know what im doing with that and it does not work. I simply open it go trophies hit the folder i want select the trophy i want and click confirm and schedule database rebuild on reboot and it shows locally that it's earned but again no change when you sync.

Im not getting the error when syncing like you should when doing the process can anybody tell me what im doing wrong so i can easily do this please and thanks.

:Edit it seems i was doing something wrong as i have fixed my PS3TrophyIsGood issue atleast. However im still wondering how do you do games that you do not own? Do you download the game itself and mount it as an ISO?
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I know how it's done it's just that it hardly every works for me. If i drag my own trophy folder from the PS3 using Multiman so i can access my folders then drag that folder into PS3TrophyIsGood it obviously shows what trophies are synched as they are RED and cannot be edited. Grey means they are not earned and those can be edited and i input time and date click confirm then hit file and save and then drag that folder into multiman from the same place so it overwrites the existing folder that is on PS3.

I then close Multiman and turn off PS3 and then access safe mode and rebuild database and the trophies always show just fine locally offline but soon as i sync them the sync process does what it needs too do and it's like i did not edit anything so can you tell me how i have went wrong then? This is an easy process and should be simple without these issues yet i keep finding myself getting more and more frustrated over a simple and easy process.

As for Appolo that is even easier and again i know what im doing with that and it does not work. I simply open it go trophies hit the folder i want select the trophy i want and click confirm and schedule database rebuild on reboot and it shows locally that it's earned but again no change when you sync.

Im not getting the error when syncing like you should when doing the process can anybody tell me what im doing wrong so i can easily do this please and thanks.

:Edit it seems i was doing something wrong as i have fixed my PS3TrophyIsGood issue atleast. However im still wondering how do you do games that you do not own? Do you download the game itself and mount it as an ISO?

Why you turn of PS3 and rebuild database ? I know about this method to sync trophys but this is other way without rebuild database. For games you not own you can use a iso file or the games from PKGI Store (with a fake account to download the games). Regards
I'm interested in unlocking a few trophies but afraid of having my account banned (lots of purchases made on it). If done correctly, is there a chance to be banned? How safe is this? Is it safe at all?
I'm interested in unlocking a few trophies but afraid of having my account banned (lots of purchases made on it). If done correctly, is there a chance to be banned? How safe is this? Is it safe at all?

I have not yet read that someone was banned for using HEN. you should not unlock trophies from playing online where the servers are offline (unless you are using a time when the servers were still online). Since it is not really a CFW but "only" an exploit, Sony cannot see it because the kernel file is not changed. I would never say that something is 100% secure because there is no such thing as 100% security. But it is 99,9% safe;) I have used it more than once myself (I also played online games that were from the "free" store without a BAN;))